Saturday, March 22, 2008


so i downloaded the trial version of CS3 and was using a tool called "Photomerge" which layers several panoramic images into one and i took some halo screenshots and was messing around with them and they look pretty cool so i thought i'd share one. i will prob upload some more later. enjoy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

get off the road!

so i'm rewatching lord of the rings and i forgot how much i love those movies. mmm.

Monday, March 3, 2008


is your God really God?

is my God really God?
i think our God isn't God
if He fits inside our head.

this is from the as cities burn song, clouds and this stanza has always stuck out to me.  its simply saying who is the "god" in your life, but the way its worded (and sung if you have the song give it a listen) is so powerful.  who is your god?