Friday, May 16, 2008

i'm so good with keeping up with these things.

so yeah, sorry about the like 2 month delay.  well im done with high school! hawt.  also just got home from my senior trip! which was incredible. so much fun. im incredibly tired though, so i and i am going to bed. i would promise to upload more about the trip as soon as i can, but knowing myself i wont so don't get your hopes up.  ps. the new death cab cd  = so good.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


so i downloaded the trial version of CS3 and was using a tool called "Photomerge" which layers several panoramic images into one and i took some halo screenshots and was messing around with them and they look pretty cool so i thought i'd share one. i will prob upload some more later. enjoy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

get off the road!

so i'm rewatching lord of the rings and i forgot how much i love those movies. mmm.

Monday, March 3, 2008


is your God really God?

is my God really God?
i think our God isn't God
if He fits inside our head.

this is from the as cities burn song, clouds and this stanza has always stuck out to me.  its simply saying who is the "god" in your life, but the way its worded (and sung if you have the song give it a listen) is so powerful.  who is your god?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

wisps of people.

so the 1A (one of the assistant managers) at my QT is moving to another store quite unexpectedly. his name is ben and me and him always got along really well and i always loved working with him so its sad to see him go, but as i was thinking about it i realized that i will probably never see him again (hes moving to a store far away) and that was a weird thought.  someone who before was a stranger, came into my life, we developed a relationship and as quickly as it began it is going to end.  it got me thinking about how many people in life do we come across that we will never see again.  if this is the case we only have 1 shot to leave an impression on someone, will we use this time span no matter how short it is to the best of our abilities or just let it pass?  i wonder (and hope) that my working with ben may have left some sort of impression on him, that he may have seen God's love through me, because my time with him is over.  he is leaving my life just as he entered it and here i am wondering if i used the time to help another human or just to be a robot employee without a real heart and love for his coworkers.  when you meet someone, you never know how long that relationship will last.  don't wait til its too late, make an impression and make that person wonder whats different about you. just something to think about.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

meditations of the heart.

my favorite verse is psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight o lord, my rock and my redeemer."  i love this verse, i know it is a popular one, and seemingly so simple. but i think people sometimes see this verse and translate it to "let everything i think and do be honoring to you lord."  and to some extent this is true, but i think this verse has much more meaning.  if we are not talking, we are for sure thinking.  this means that at every moment of the day we are either using the words of our mouths, or the meditations of our heart.  i love how the psalmist uses the words "meditations of my heart."  this is more than simple thoughts, meditation is what we spend every moment thinking about, what we meditate on, what we consume the most of our day thinking about.  he is saying let us meditate on the lord, and when we are not, let our meditations be pleasing to the lord.  this is hard to do, i know the meditations of my heart are not always God pleasing, and my words are surely not always pleasing either.  i'm not perfect.  but it is something to think about, what do you meditate on? what do you spend the your time thinking about and talking about.  whatever it may be, may it be pleasing to the lord.


so i was just over at xanga looking at all my old posts from 04' - 06' and i was laughing at all the crazy, weird, and random things i did.  i realized how glad i had written them down so i could look back and laugh, and i decided to join the blog scene once again so in 3 years when i look back i will have something to look back on.  something that i can look back and remember, "man those were good times."  so this is apparently were its at these days, so welcome whoever you are, to my blog.