Wednesday, February 13, 2008

meditations of the heart.

my favorite verse is psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight o lord, my rock and my redeemer."  i love this verse, i know it is a popular one, and seemingly so simple. but i think people sometimes see this verse and translate it to "let everything i think and do be honoring to you lord."  and to some extent this is true, but i think this verse has much more meaning.  if we are not talking, we are for sure thinking.  this means that at every moment of the day we are either using the words of our mouths, or the meditations of our heart.  i love how the psalmist uses the words "meditations of my heart."  this is more than simple thoughts, meditation is what we spend every moment thinking about, what we meditate on, what we consume the most of our day thinking about.  he is saying let us meditate on the lord, and when we are not, let our meditations be pleasing to the lord.  this is hard to do, i know the meditations of my heart are not always God pleasing, and my words are surely not always pleasing either.  i'm not perfect.  but it is something to think about, what do you meditate on? what do you spend the your time thinking about and talking about.  whatever it may be, may it be pleasing to the lord.


ooohemily said...

oh good. i needed you. =P

ooohemily said...

+ good post.

i'm a thinker, and i spend a ton of time meditating on various things. until the past couple of months, i didn't understand meditation, but i still was a thinker, and was always thinking, deep, profound, meaningful...bogus really. even when i focused on the was to gain, and not to glorify. but in november, the Lord really changed something inside of me. He revealed that i don't really matter, but loving others, and ultimately loving Him is the source of life.

maybe you're catching that too. (: if so, awesome. if not, wait for it. He works in His perfect time. we're to wait on Him.

paslm 52:9 . . . I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it, AND I WILL WAIT on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.

Gabriel said...

hey woohoo. its good to see you here.

plus this was a very nice post.

ooohemily said...

i'm brilliant.

Anonymous said...

oh max im happy you are here.

sarahvaldes said...
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Hannah Elisabeth said...

Of course this is where it's at, lol. Good thoughts, well said....